Maritieme Hack

Maritieme Hack

Er zijn belangrijke stappen te zetten op weg naar toekomstbestendige visserij en de maritieme sector staat dan ook bol van […]

NIVA Hack (16&17JUNE)

How do we open up environmental data to farmers to help make them more informed land management decisions and improve their environmental performance? This is the key goal for the 32 hour NIVA hackathon, which will take place on a farm on the 16th and 17th June. 

COVID-19 Do It Yourself Hackathon

In light of the current COVID-19 crisis, the SmartAgriHubs program is stimulating the development of digital innovations which can help tackle the challenges faced by the Agrifood sector with the launch of two open calls. Next to immediate technological solutions, they are also supporting hackathon type of activities. Our 2cents on the relevance of hackathons and an introduction to the DIY toolkit.

Niva challenge

Modern tractors and their implements are equipped with sensors that collect data about farming operations. Can these data reduce the administrative burden for both farmers ad paying agencies?

WUR Life Sciences Hack

The very first WUR Life Sciences Hack will take place on the 25th and 26th of October! A 32 hours hackathon to ignite data- and tech-driven collaborations between students, tech entrepreneurs, researchers and domain experts. Don’t miss out and preregister for this unique event!

Results Big Data for Bees

On the 14th and 15th of December we ran the Big Data for Bees hackathon. In partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Naturalis, WUR and JADS we finished of the year with a bang: 7 nationalities, 6 teams, a Minister of Agriculture, amazing prize money and a bear that really likes his honey. Here is the recap!

Big Data for Bees Update

We can make a difference in pollinator and pollination research by providing information in accessible and understandable ways, and come to a mutual understanding of the problem and its possible solutions. This is how we have designed the Big Data for Bees hackathon!

De open bodemindex

Het ontwerpen en implementeren van een gestandaardiseerde wijze om bodemkwaliteit te kwantificeren vergt het bij elkaar brengen van data, algoritmes en rekenkundige modellen, mensen en – belangrijker – het maken van afspraken en het vormen van een gedeeld beeld over wat gunstig en wat minder gunstig is voor de bodem. Simeon Nedkov, CIO van FarmHack over zijn visie op een bodemindex.